
DevOps and Cloud Security

Implementing robust CI/CD and infrastructure orchestration can reduce defects in production, increase deployment frequency, and reduce mean time to recovery (MTTR) for outages. We can help guide your company through the process and technical changes needed to level up your team and performance.

Is your GCP cloud secure? Security in GCP can be overwhelming- we can help identify issues with IAM, load balancing, firewall rules, and more to help you feel more secure in your cloud before your data ends up on the internet.

Data Strategy and Migrations

Many companies accumulate massive amounts of data and struggle to make use of it.

We can help provide long term vision to your data management strategy. Whether you may benefit from data warehouses, lakehouses, migrations, or analytics, we have you covered with all things data.

Coaching Services

Coaching can be transformative both for individuals and for teams. Coaching teams can help unearth gross inefficiencies and points of failure in your organization, while coaching individuals can help elevate team members into new roles and realize their potential for your organization.

We can help coach a wide range of engineering focused teams, including solutions architects, project and delivery managers, engineering managers, principal and senior software engineers, and junior engineers.

Common issues we see that can benefit from coaching are:

  • star software engineers recently promoted to management who struggle to fill the role

  • solutions architects and engineers who are tech savvy but lack customer facing skills

  • project managers who lack the attention to detail necessary to keep the project moving forward

  • product managers working with vendors or other new teams that don’t have a full understanding of those teams

Strategic Planning

Strategic planning and process optimization are key components of scaling teams, and our experience growing teams of all sizes can help you find clarity and structure.

We help growing teams organize their chaos and solidify useful process into reliable systems. Let us help you look forward.

Let’s Build Something Together